After Pilate cleansed his hand in the bowl of water, he said, "I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it." Then the hate-filled crowd shouted in unison something about Jesus, the Christ, that made my skin crawl. "And all the people answered and said, 'His blood be on us and on our children." I cannot think of the words to write to explain my feelings about this. For one, what did he do to receive such hate, and secondly, how scary of a thing to say (or so I thought).
The Holy Spirit said to me something about it clearly though, He said, "The hateful intent of the people in that message was and will continue to be your salvation. It's man's salvation."
Mocked, scorned, and despised, Jesus passed from life to death as he hung from a wooden cross. His body's strength suddenly expired as he gave up his spirit. The spectators watched as immediately the earth quaked and rocks split following the brutal execution, of one who even the imperialistic Pilate, could find no wrong.
For thirty three years Jesus spread the good news to a dying and broken world. Everyone who accepted Him and His teachings were healed and forever changed. Not one sin could be attributed to the man who claimed divinity. He loved His enemies and prayed all night so he could be full of power to fulfill His mission to the world. His mission reeked of compassion. The weight of this mission--unfathomable. Everything rode on the Christ. If one mar, one outburst of rage, or slip in judgment had occurred then our fates would be sealed. Our Bridge would have been broken and our futures determined to live separately from a Holy, Holy, Holy God.
See, Jesus was different than even the prophets who proclaimed His coming. Joshua sought to destroy the Canaanites, but the Christ healed the Canaanite woman. Moses stoned adulterers, the Christ lifted her chin high and said, "sin no more". Elisha called a bear to devour the mob that threatened him, Jesus was led as a sheep the slaughter. His eyes, His eyes shone with mercy.
That mercy didn't come cheaply. It cost him His life; but why the torture, scourging, beating, and humiliation? In the Old Testament, the doves and bulls were killed as mercifully as possible. So ask yourself, why did He, the God man suffer so terribly? All Jesus had to do to fulfill the punishment of eternal separation that we deserved was to live sinless and His blood be shed. A death that could have came quickly with the cutting of His throat.
Why the mockery and humiliation? He knew what was coming before He died, or else He would not have bled in the garden as he prayed. Still, love defeated fear as he endured the cross for the joy before him. You are that joy.
Why the scourging? He resisted His divinity. The legions of angels waited to rescue their King. The one whom they loved so dearly being mercilessly killed probably escaped their understanding.
He did nothing to lessen the pain. When offered wine from the soldier's he spat it out. He needed to feel the weight of every sin on him. Jesus was not a masochist, but the High Priest, tempted in all ways. He felt the pain of the whip and the nails, but even more, he felt the pain of sin and isolation from Jehovah.
The loving, glorious King, Jesus Christ, went all the way. He allowed himself to become low and hated so that the same death that eventually came for His executioners would now have to check to see if there was a blood line. Because let me tell you my friend, if their a blood line surrounding you then death and hell must pass over. They scorn the blood because it defeated them.
HIS blood is not common. In fact, HIS blood stands to be most precious. His blood set us free from bondage and rescued all who receive Him!
"I never knew death could be so sweet,
I never knew surrender could feel so free,
I've never seen such meekness and majesty,
That the blood of Jesus was bled for me."
In ending, I must admit that I never knew my prayer would be that of a blood-thirsty mob; but here I am praying it - Hallelujah!
Father, let "His blood be on us and on our children" Amen.