Saturday, February 5, 2011

Soggy Saturation

I sat reading my Bible in Proverbs 3, when I skimmed over these scriptures, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths."

Suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit begin to speak to me. He asked me how many times I've heard this verse, whether it had been quoted or seen stitched to a quilt. I saw instantly where the Spirit of God was going with this and he began to shine revelation on the matter.

He brought to my remembrance a scripture from Ezekiel that gives a prophetic image to this spiritual stagnation/saturation. Listen to God Almighty's insight to Ezekiel in the 47th chapter. Keep in mind that scripture often refers to God's Word, as a cleansing water, especially as a prophetic symbol.

(read carefully and attentively)

Notice that God illustrates to his prophet Ezekiel, that water will bring life and healing when free to flow, but once the stagnant, saturated marshes have been filled, those created cess pools will not retain the ability of healing, nor one to produce salt. Jesus admonishes us to be the salt of the world. Salt's properties are those of preservation and an absorption of flavor and life.

It makes a whole lot of sense as to why God compares His Word to water. How long can your body survive physically without water? That's the importance of His Word to our spirit. So, when the Word is flowing in your spirit then there is life, but once that water/WORD becomes stagnant then everything dies. 

Pay attention to the fact that there is not a dried up basin, but a marsh. That means there isn't an absence of water there, but water that hasn't moved. Compare this to the Word you receive. By reading the Bible there is water in your spirit, but if God doesn't breathe on it, then it's not causing life, but still death. Here is a scripture that confirms such a claim.

2 Corinthians 3:6, "...for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
Holy Spirit shed light on those scriptures that checked me and caused me to examine my spirit for traditions of man--specifically, saturation of the spirit.

Saturation of the Spirit
How many times have you heard John 3:16? It would be safe to say at least hundreds upon hundreds. When you read this how does it make you feel? Do you scan over it quickly without letting the water of life infiltrate those dry spiritual areas?

Have you ever quoted Philippians 4:13? I'm sure you know this scripture, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."

 Let's be honest and take a moment of introspection (I'm still in this process). Do you trust in that? Wait, before you answer with an reactionary response. Remember friend, believing and trusting are different verbs. Remember the words of James, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

Examine with me once more Proverbs 3 that I posted at the beginning of this message. God's Word commands us to acknowledge Him in ALL of our ways.

The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "Very many people believe this verse, yet very few people trust in what it says." Jesus warns his disciples of this very thing. He tells them to beware the leaven of pharisees (religious tradition making the Word of God of none effect) and the leaven of Herod. 

Leaven of Herod

What is the leaven of Herod? We know Herod was a vile king that was consumed by fear, greed, pride, and paranoia (remember he had hundreds of baby boys murdered to try and abort the plan of coming King of Kings). Herod did not believe in God and therefore foolishly made his own plans without attending to the wisdom of God.

 So what is Jesus warning us? He's telling us to acknowledge the Father in everything we do, or else we act as an atheist, or as Herod would have done. In short, if you make a decision without asking for God's wisdom then you are acting no different that one who doesn't believe in God, because neither do they attend to God's wisdom (because they don't believe in him!).

Quiet that spirit that is telling you that it's too much to ask God for everything and put him in all parts of our lives. I rebuke that lie in Jesus name. God wants in your marriage, friendships, reading, movies you choose, house you buy, career you take, state and city you live, names of your children, things you say, things you buy, your financial plan, the route you take to a destination, which store to go to today, and so on. By doing this you would create such an intimacy with the Father by constantly communing with Him. THAT's ALL HE's EVER WANTED FROM US! To love Him like He loves us.

Spiritual Remedy for Spiritual Saturation

God gave me 5 practical steps to identify and rectify an issue that many may not have even realized they had. That's what satan wants of course. "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Cor. 2:11).
  1. Honesty: Be honest and review "popular" scriptures and ask yourself if you believe only or trust fully.
  2. Repentance: Repentance simply means change. So repent of not fully trusting God and change. Our Father will not be angry, but overjoyed to teach you His fully intended meaning.
  3. List: Ask Holy Spirit to show you verses that you have memorized but failed to soak it in and convert it to tangible faith in your life. Write these down on a piece of paper or in your computer.
  4. Read, Read, Read: Read these scriptures over slowly and in context. Remember faith is not gained by your mind's ability to grasp, but by your spirit consuming God's Word (Romans 10:17).
  5. Meditate: Don't read it once, but meditate on those powerful scriptures over and over. Maybe a chew on that scripture for the next six months. Your faith in what God says in that particular scripture will ooze from your lips. Before you know it, you won't fear any circumstance because you won't read Jeremiah 29:11 as a "pretty memory verse" but as a powerful, blood covenant by the One who cannot lie!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dirty Word of the Day: Work

As children of the Most High God, we are to exude a supernatural lifestyle of prosperity in every facet of our lives. When reading the Word of God closely, it's not hard to see that God expects order, diligence, and competence from us. That especially includes the work place. How much productivity do you give your boss? Do you standout as one of the best workers in the company (and "kiss ups" don't count)?

Listen to the exhortation of the Holy Spirit through Paul in Ephesians 6:5-7.

"Bondservants (can be interpreted employees), be obedient to those who are your masters(or employers) according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ;not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,"with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men,"

To prosper in our lives we must work, plain and simple. We speak with great reverence of the patriarchs of antiquity (as we should) such as, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, and Paul. These men acted as oracles of God and have such revelation of His Word. "Well they prayed day and night, they got to focus completely on ministry." Nothing could be further from the truth.
  • Abraham: cattle rearer
  • Moses: shepherd
  • Joshua: slave and warrior
  • David: shepherd
  • Paul: tent maker
  • Jesus: carpenter
These men and Jesus all worked hard (much harder than I'm sure you and I with all of the niceties of industry and technology now). 

Listen, you can't not work and expect God's blessings. It doesn't matter if you gave a million dollars, you need some channel for that to return. God needs your labor and giving and he will bless. That's the recipe.

1/2 - labor
1/2 - consistent giving
= a whole lot of heavenly blessings.

Laziness is something God hates. Solomon writes in Proverbs that those who lazily nap the day away will be visited by the thief of poverty. Poverty is a curse. It doesn't teach you humility, it curses you and makes your ability to bless others impotent and your womb barren. We have been commanded to be a blessing to the world. 

Somebody may need some food, or children needing a jacket and shoes. A single mother may need a vehicle to drive to work to support her three children. Now, how can you help those people. A track? Please, the Gospel is being a blessing to them. When you show them such extraordinary love then they see Jesus through your good works and praise God. 

So, learn to work and enjoy work. Here are 7 ways.
  1. Ask yourself, who are you going to work for today? God or man? Colossians 3:23 says, "And whatsoever ye do, do [it] heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"
  2. Ask God what attitude should I have for work? If it needs changed then change it.
  3. List 7 ways you can effectively increase your job performance (i.e. enthusiasm, goal oriented rather than clock oriented).
  4. Plan your calendar for a month. Just do it, I don't care if you are a temp, make a faith calendar.
  5. Read up on your career and ask those who do your job well.
  6. Meet as many successful people in your field and ask them for advice.
  7. Dress your mind for work. Before getting to work pray and ask God's grace and the blood of Jesus to give you peace. 
In closing, please understand that work is honorable. Being a janitor that brings income to your family is honorable. Working at McDonalds to support your family, is honorable. God isn't interested in job status, he's interested in character. Promotion comes from God, not man. So work hard when not being watched and give to the Lord. Stay faithful in this and God will promote you, I guarantee it. In fact, God guarantees it.